Saturday saw me travelling, per kind favour of a young couple in the Church of the Good Shepherd, from Bloomington (Indiana) to Louisville (Kentucky). It was a wonderful journey, getting to know Lucas and Hannah. They took me to the home of James Williamson, who most people in Reformed circles on the Copperbelt will appreciate for his commitment to starting and administering the Copperbelt Ministerial College from the USA. We spent the afternoon and evening together talking about the work of the Lord in Zambia. There is no doubt that his heart is in "the real Africa"!
Sunday was spent at the Reformed Baptist Church in Louisville. It was great meeting with Jim Savastio again, after his last visit to KBC and to our home! During Sunday School, I presented a powerpoint on the Reformed Baptist movement in Zambia. Thank God for technology! Then in the morning service and evening services I preached on the two images used by the psalmist in Psalm 1 - "he is like a tree" and "they are like chaff". All the three messages are available on sermon audio for you to download and listen. I can only pray that the Lord used this to encourage his people and to challenge the lost to come to him. One of the highlights of my visit to the church in Louisville was meeting some of the volunteers who had come out to Zambia to help with the work of Action Zambia, and who made KBC their home church while they were in the country (see picture below).
Monday was a rather unique day. I was picked up by Keith Coss of the YMCA of Nashville Middle Tennessee and brought to Nashville where I was taken around three facilities of the YMCA - the Ronald Reagan and the Rutherford centres, and the Joe G Davis campsite. Keith made a mistake of leaving me briefly in LifeWay Christian bookstore, which is next to the YMCA offices, and I almost emptied the shop (well, that is a bit of an exaggeration!).
For those who may not know, as part of my community involvement, I have been involved in the Zambia YMCA for over ten years. This came about almost incidentally because Kabwata Baptist Church is the nearest neighbour to the YMCA premises in Lusaka. However, as soon as I noticed just how many young people made use of the YMCA facilities, my involvement took on new meaning and became another form of investment into the lives of the many young people in my community. Well, by a string of strange providences, I was chosen to be president of the Zambia YMCA last year in October. So, I decided to visit the YMCA in the USA whose representatives had come to Zambia last May - and what a joyful reunion it was! We had a round table discussion with the leaders (see picture below) and, I trust, this will soon result in a partnership that will improve the lives of many young people in Zambia!
The journey continues and so..."watch this space"!
Does God Believe in Atheists?
[image: Does God Believe in Atheists?]
People for millennia have said, in one way or another, “There is no God.”
Pastor John describes five ways we suppres...
3 hours ago